Monday, October 26, 2009


Barfell, or Awethull... is the new name for Bothell according to my Young Women in Sultan. I miss them dearly and my good friends over in the old neighborhood. It's not Maple Valley, but I couldn't be happier with the move. Our monkey is now so happy in an amazing school, he has a great teacher and has started band! We gave him two different choices for instruments, both of which were his dads'. The sax from his dad Sean, and the trumpet from his dad B. He chose the trumpet, which I think is easier and B is around to help direct. It's so cool to listen to him play. I really have no basis for an opinion, other than I am his mom.. but he picks up music so well. He had taken some piano lessons from our friends the Risenmays over the few spring months. We had to stop for a while because of the summer schedule and Allyson was due with their new son Logan. But I still find him playing songs on the piano and now fiddling with notes on the trumpet. I have always wanted a home of music, and I am loving every bit of it. Speaking of the home, it still is just a house as of right now. It looks like it has been flipped upside down, with STUFF that needs a place everwhere. We finally finished cleaning our beautiful home in Sultan for the next lucky family, and then Seth had the Swine Flu all week. Watch out! It's horrible! lol.. just kidding. Actually he had a very mild dose of it. His top fever was 103.7, but that was before tylenol. Otherwise it stayed between 99-100.5. For the most part, it was just like the regular flu. Unfortunately, we had it before we knew it and passed it on to our neice Chloe. Ooops. Luckily hers is just as mild. So back to unpacking, cleaning, unpacking, and cleaning I go... wish me luck.


Tasha said...

Glad to hear Seth only had a mild case! I'm also glad he likes his new school.

Janet said...

Congratulations on your new home and school. I'm excited to hear about Seth's interest in music - that will be great fun. Good luck with the unpacking!